LinkArchive: Record #998 (edit record; developers only)
Link: Type of Site: (1) Metapage or Home Page for Author or Topic

LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY: EXPLORING THE FRENCH REVOUTION (LIBERTY, EQUALITY, FRATERNITY: EXPLORING THE FRENCH REVOUTION provides an accessible and lively introduction to the French Revolution as well as an extraordinary archive of some of the most important documentary evidence from the Revolution, including 338 texts, 245 images, and a number of maps and songs. Lynn Hunt of UCLA and Jack Censer of George Mason University—both internationally renowned scholars of the Revolution—served as principal authors and editors. The site itself is a collaboration of the Center for History and New Media (George Mason University) and the American Social History Project (City University of New York), supported by grants from the Florence Gould Foundation and the National Endowment for the Humanities)

Content Author:
"Content Author" in the LinkArchive refer to the primary authors of articles, hypertext essays, and other works that have the equivalent or near-equivalent of a traditional print "author."

Web Author:
"Web Author" is used in the LinkArchive to identify either the creators of metapages, home pages, databases, and other information sites that are native to information media and do not have a print analogue or the HTML creators, editors, journals, or sites responsible for mounting this resource online. (Where the "Content Author" is also the "Web Author" or where the web authors are unknown, the web author fields are left blank.)

Institution: George Mason University, Center for History and New Media

Web Author is Journal?
Categories and Keywords:
Used by the developers to allow both the Romantic Chronology and the LinkArchive to organize links in relation to particular persons, works, or topics.
LinkArchive Alphabetical Category: F
LinkArchive Main Category: French Revolution
LinkArchive Alternate Category: Guillotine
LinkArchive Other Related Categories:
LinkArchive Subcategory (used to organize links in such sections as "General Resources," "Poetry" within a category): (1) General Resources

Topic Identifiers for Romantic Chronology (used to allow the main Romantic Chronology database to associate its Persons, Works, and Topics with the LinkArchive):



Developer Information:

Record Created or Last Modified By: Laura Mandell 
Date Entered or Last Modified: 10/25/2002