Record #193 (edit record; developers only)

Date: 1726


Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels.

Work Title

Gulliver's Travels 

Published: 1726


Links for Jonathan Swift:

"A Modest Proposal" (HTML version of Jonathan Swift's work.) (Jack Lynch)

"A Modest Proposal" (FTP/text-only version of Jonathan Swift's text.) (Project Gutenberg)

A Tale of a Tub (Complete HTML version of Jonathan Swift's text with some relevant resources.) (Deep Singh)

E-Texts at U. Penn (Includes transcriptions of the following Jonathan Swift texts: An Argument Against the Abolishing of Christianity, Description of a City Shower, Description of the Morning, Epitaph of Swift (translated by W. B. Yeats), Proposal for Correcting ... the English Tongue, Stella's Birthday, The Lady's Dressing Room, Verses on the Death of Dr Swift.)

Gulliver's Travels Home Page (Includes the text of the work and critical apparatus; also includes other Swift materials.) (Lee Jaffe)

Gulliver's Travels (Complete HTML version of Jonathan Swift's novel.) (Jim Aspnes)

Gulliver's Travels (Gopher version of Jonathan Swift's novel. In 4 parts.) (U. Pennsylvania)

Jonathan Swift (Includes links to Gulliver's Travels and A Modest Proposal.) (OnLine Books)

"Notes on the Death of Dr. Swift" (Complete hypertext transcription of Jonathan Swift's work.) (Representative Poetry On-line)

Selected Poetry of Jonathan Swift (Includes 9 transcriptions.) (Representative Poetry On-line)

Stella's Birthday. March 13. 1727. (Gopher text version of Jonathan Swift's work.) (U. Pennsylvania)

Rusell A. Hunt, (St. Thomas U.) Modes of Reading, and Modes of Reading Swift (Criticism on Jonathan Swift's work.)

Matthew Levy, (U. Texas, Arlington) Gulliver's Historico-Tropological Journey, or Measurement, Irony and the Grotesque in Gulliver's Travels (Criticism on Jonathan Swift's work.)



Record Created or Last Modified By:

Shawn Mummert

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