Record #1148 (edit record; developers only)

Date: 1818


Z's articles on the "Cockney School" appear in Blackwood's, attacking Hunt, Keats, and eventually P. B. Shelley.

Work Title


Published: 1818


Links for Percy Bysshe Shelley:

Early Shelley: Vulgarisms, Politics, and Fractals (Criticism of early Percy Bysshe Shelley; essays originating in a session on the Early Shelley at the Dec. 1996 Modern Language Association convention.) (Romantic Praxis)

The Complete Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley (Table of contents for the forthcoming print edition, edited by Donald H. Reiman and Neil Fraistat.) (Donald H. Reiman and Neil Fraistat)

"On The Medusa of Leonardo da Vinci" (Transcription of the Percy Bysshe Shelley poem.) (Melissa J. Sites and Neil Fraistat)

Percy Bysshe Shelley (Links to numerous poems.) (The Poetry Archive)

Selected Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley (Transcriptions of 40 Shelley texts.) (Representative Poetry On-line)

Web Concordances: P. Shelley - Selected Poems (Concordance of Percy Bysshe Shelley's work.) (Rob Watt)

Robert M. Corbett, (U. Washington) The Violence of the Sacred: The Economy of Sacrifice in The Cenci (Criticism of Percy Bysshe Shelley's work.) (Romanticism on the Net)

Kim Wheatley, (C. William and Mary) "Romanticism and Conspiracy" (Criticism of Percy Bysshe Shelley.) (Romantic Praxis)

"Adonais: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats" (Transcriptions of the Percy Bysshe Shelley poem.) (Representative Poetry On-line)

"Alastor; or, The Spirit of Solitude" (Transcriptions of the Percy Bysshe Shelley poem.) (Representative Poetry On-line)

Mathilde Blinde, "Shelley's View of Nature Contrasted With Darwin's" (TEI-compliant transcriptions of the criticism of Percy Bysshe Shelley.) (Victorian Women's Writers Project)

"Defence of Poetry" (1821) (Transcription of Percy Bysshe Shelley's text.) (Representative Poetry On-line)

Keats-Shelley Journal (Notes and links to the literary journal.) (Loyola U., Chicago)

Notes to Queen Mab (Shelley's complete notes to his poem, minus Greek text.) (Stuart Curran)

"The Devil's Walk": A Hypertext Edition (Transcription of the Percy Bysshe Shelley poem.) (Donald E. Reiman and Neil Fraistat)

Percy Bysshe Shelley's Gothic Readings (Notes on the author's Gothic influences.) (Douglass Thomson)

The Necessity of Atheism (Transcription of the Percy Bysshe Shelley text.) (Secular Web)

Selected Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley (Transcriptions of five Shelley poems.) (Sonnet Central)


Links for John Keats:

A Keats Letter (Sept. 10, 1817, to his sister Fanny) (Image and transcription of a letter by John Keats.) (British Library)

British Library John Keats Exhibit (Miscellaneous resources; British Library in association with the Wordsworth Trust.) (British Library)

John Keats (Selected poetry.) (Poetry Archive)

Keats's Gothic Readings (Notes on John Keats's Gothic influences.) (Douglass Thomson)

Portrait of John Keats (GIF image.) (British Library)

Selected Poetry (22 poems by John Keats.) (Representative Poetry On-line)

The Keats-Shelley House, Rome (Notes on the home, now a monument.)

The Poetical Works of John Keats (Complete transcription.) (Project Bartleby)

Web Concordances: John Keats - The Odes of 1819 (Rob Watt)

Nelson Hilton, (U. Georgia) "Keats, Teats, and the Fane of Poesy" (1995) (Chapter from Nelson Hilton's book, Lexis Complexes: Literary Interventions.)

Colin Wright, Keats House, Rome (Photo of the house, in GIF format.) (British Library)

"Hyperion" (Image and transcription of the poem by John Keats.) (British Library)

"Ode to a Nightingale" (Transcription and image of the poem by John Keats.) (British Library)

Kris Steyaert, (University C., London) Poetry as Enforcement: Conquering the Muse in Keats's 'Ode to Psyche' (Criticism of the poem by John Keats.) (Romanticism on the Net)

Keats-Shelley Journal (Notes and links to the literary journal.) (Loyola U., Chicago)

Selected Poetry (Several poems by John Keats.) (Sonnet Central)

"To Solitude" (Transcription of the poem by John Keats.) (British Library)

John Keats's Literary Reputation (Notes on Keats, including audio file of "When I Have Fears that I May Cease to Be" ready by Sally Brown.) (British Library)



Record Created or Last Modified By:

Shawn Mummert

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